Water Quality Improvement Projects

Water quality improvement projects are designed to slow down and infiltrate stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff often causes erosion and can transport pollutants and sediments laden with excessive nutrients into lakes and ponds. The following projects involve a collaboration between governmental agencies, local towns and private landowners. They are completed using a combination of in-kind match, private contributions and grant funding.

Kidder Brook Streambank Stabilization

Engineer consultant, Fuss & O’Neill, with input from Twin Lake Villa (TLV) and LSPA completed a project design for Kidder Brook that incorporates floodplain restoration, stream bank stabilization and riparian buffer plantings. Currently, the Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau is reviewing the permit application needed prior to work commencing. Some streambank plantings will occur in the Spring of 2025 with full project implementation scheduled for September 2025. This project is partially funded though a NH Department of Environmental Services Watershed Assistance Grant and via cash and in-kind match from TLV and LSPA.

Slumping streambank along Kidder Brook near one of the golf course greens that will be addressed once the project is completed.

Bucklin Beach Stormwater Improvement Project

LSPA partnered with the Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LLSPA) and the Town of New London Department of Public Works to complete the final phase of this project in early October. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) were implemented by the Town and community volunteers that included the construction of dripline infiltration trenches, a vegetated swale and the addition of native plantings. These BMPs, along with a rain garden that was constructed in June, are designed to slow down runoff, drop out sediment and temporarily store stormwater which will reduce beach channeling and prevent pollutants from reaching Little Lake Sunapee. Costs of this project were shared by LSPA, Little Lake Sunapee Protective Association and the Town of New London

Completed rain garden at Bucklin Beach after installation in June 2024.