Aquatic Plant and Animal Resources
The following documents, websites, presentations and videos provide useful information on how to identify aquatic plants and animals and to determine if they are invasive. Visit our Species On The Move page for maps and links showing which invasive species are spreading in the Northeast and to learn more about them.
LSPA's Invasive Bivalves Pamphlet
This pamphlet describes the threat of Asian clams, zebra and quagga mussels and what they look like.
Quick Key to Ruling Out Invasive Plants
This is an excellent two page guide from the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program that helps people with no previous plant identification experience learn how to quickly determine if a plant is invasive or not.
NH Department of Environmental Services Aquatic Plants and Algae
This guide provides a summary of the more common native and invasive aquatic plants seen in NH.
Identifying Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Species in Rhode Island
This guide provides great pictures of invasive plant species and look-a-like native ones.
Maine's VLAP Plant Identification Pages
These pages provide side-to-side color images of more common invasive and native aquatic plant species.
Maine Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Plants
This is a very thorough guide from the Maine Center for Invasive Aquatic Plants on learning how to identity invasive and native aquatic plants.
2023 Weed Watcher Training/Refresher- presented by Amy Smagula, Limnologist/Exotic Species Program Coordinator from NHDES, on May 15 to weed watchers from Lake Sunapee and other area lakes and ponds.
NH Department of Environmental Services - Invasive Species
This website provides a lot of useful information about aquatic invasive plant species.
Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel - Invasive Bivalves, Water Fleas and Crustaceans
This is a great website that describes what invasive animal and plant species look like and allows you to create your own guide.
This website provides descriptions, videos and images of invasive animal and plant species.