About the Lake Sunapee Watershed


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines a watershed as the land surface area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, aquifer or even the ocean.

The Lake Sunapee Watershed includes all of the land surface that drains into Lake Sunapee. All told, the watershed area is spread throughout six towns - Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, New London, Sutton and Goshen. 

The watershed area is approximately 47 square miles and includes 13 lakes and ponds with Lake Sunapee being the largest and Murray Pond the smallest.

The Lake Sunapee watershed is part of the larger Sugar River watershed, which is part of the much larger Connecticut River watershed. That means Sunapee waters eventually flow into Long Island Sound.   

Click here to see an informational map from NHDES.

Learn more about the watershed lakes and ponds below:

Baptist Pond

Chalk Pond

Little Lake Sunapee

Mountainview Lake

Otter Pond