Water Quality Data
LSPA has been collecting and recording water quality data from tributaries, lakes and ponds within the Lake Sunapee Watershed since 1986. Ice out dates have been observed and recorded since 1869. This data is primarily used by LSPA, the NH Department of Environmental Services, scientists, and students to track short and long-term trends. This information is useful for understanding change in water quality conditions in regional lakes, ponds and streams. Long term data trends help guide LSPA in our efforts to inform and educate the public about the need to be good watershed stewards if we are to maintain or improve our high-quality waters. Click here for a description of what we analyze at the lab. Click here to see what’s recorded by LSPA’s water quality buoy.
A Note About the Data
The water quality information below is in database form that is familiar to researchers and scientists which means there are no charts, graphs or analyses performed. If you are looking for a lake assessment report, please visit the NHDES Lake Mapper and zoom in and click on Lake Sunapee or another waterbody you are interested in. A box will pop up on the screen that includes links to relevant information and different reports about the waterbody.
Available Databases
1. LSPA Buoy Water Quality Data – collected multiple times per hour since 2007 (buoy is located near Loon Island in the summer and moved to Sunapee Harbor during the winter).
2. LSPA Buoy Meteorological Data – collected multiple times per hour since 2007 (buoy is located near Loon Island in the summer and moved to Sunapee Harbor during the winter).
3. Lake Sunapee Tributary, Nearshore (cove) and Deep Site Data – collected up to 5 times per year depending on weather conditions since 1986.
4. Winter Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Data (near Loon Island in Lake Sunapee) – collected multiple times per hour since 2014.
5. Ice Out Dates – observed ice out dates for Lake Sunapee since 1869.
6. Lake Sunapee Weather Station Data – recorded from three Lake Sunapee shoreline locations every 30 minutes since 2019.
Data Request Form
In an effort for LSPA to better understand the interest and use of our water quality data, we ask you to complete and submit the form below before being provided a link to available databases. We encourage the use of our data sets for education and research. Data will be in CSV file format.