Water Quality at LSPA

Water Quality Monitoring on Lake Sunapee

Monitoring was initiated on Lake Sunapee in the 1950's when LSPA conducted water sampling and testing for the presence of E. coli. Those early monitoring results indicated that Lake Sunapee had “Class A” water quality. Lake Sunapee’s water remains “Class A” water to this day. “Class A” waters are high quality surface waters that are suitable for recreation and for use as drinking water sources when adequately treated.

LSPA Water Quality Laboratory 

Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA), in cooperation with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and Colby-Sawyer College (CSC), has one of the most extensive water testing programs in New England. A water quality laboratory, supported by the LSPA/DES/CSC partnership, is located in New London, NH, on the CSC campus. 

Data from the LSPA testing program is sent directly to the NHDES Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP), where it is evaluated and used to make important decisions concerning the watersheds of lakes in the area.  In 2024, the lab analyzed water samples from over 24 lakes in New Hampshire and conducted water quality tests at 80 sites in the Lake Sunapee Watershed and the total number of analyses performed at LSPA’s water quality lab was 3,592. This annual sampling process contributes to a long-term data set that helps us understand water quality trends over time and across the state. Dozens of dedicated Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) volunteers collect the water samples and bring them to the lab throughout the summer and into the fall each year.

Click here to see the NHDES Lake Information Mapper, an interactive surface water quality map that provides links to historical and current lake trophic survey reports, current volunteer lake assessment program reports, exotic aquatic species distribution information and mercury in fish tissue data.