LSPA Resource Library

The library is divided by topic and also includes “the Beacon” newsletter, “A Flash of the Beacon” e-newsletter, Presentations/Webinars and Directories.

Click here for a lake glossary.

Water Quality

Water Quality Connections - Explore this tool created by Nicole Ward, past Calhoun Fellow, to see how your property management decisions can effect water quality.

To Bathe in the Lake...or Not!

NHDES Soak Up the Rain Program

Septic Systems

Septic Rules for the Town of Sunapee

Septic Systems - How Do They Work? How do You Maintain Them?

EPA’s Septic System Information


NH’s Cyanobacteria Plan - A Statewide Strategy

Gloeotrichia echinulala - A Cyanobacteria Blooming in Lake Sunapee

Cyanobacteria in Our Lakes


Distribution of Microplastics Within NH Lakes


2020 Lake Sunapee Watershed Management Plan

Watershed Wise Program Resources

8 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Watershed

Cumulative Effects: Non-Point Source Pollution

Winter Related

Non-Chloride Ice Control Products for Homeowners (preserve our water resources - eliminate your chloride use)

Road Salt Report- Impacts and best managment practices from the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

Ice Management Choices for Homeowners

Dock De-Icers: Tips for Safe and Effective Use

NH DOT Winter Maintenance Snow Removal and Ice Control Information (Learn more about how state roads are maintained in winter.)

NH DOT Winter Maintenance Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy (See page 10 and 11 to learn about what criteria is needed to designate a salt reduction zone on a state road.)

NH DOT Traffic Volume Reports (This information can be used to determine feasibility of a salt reduction zone)


Lake Friendly Landscaping

A Homeowner's Guide to Lakeshore Living

Landscape Garden Plants

Rain Garden & Infiltration "Train"

Rain Barrels: Rainwater Harvesting

Invasive Species

Stop the Spread of Invasive Species: Clean, Drain and Dry Your Watercraft & Gear

Help Stop the Spread of Invasive Bivalves

Common Lake Phenomenon

Lake Foam

Iron Bacteria (Precipitate)

Green Filamentous Algae

Other topics

"Lake Friendly" Dock Choices & Tips

Get the Lead Out! For a Lead Free Lake

NH LAKES: Driveway Sealants in Your Lake?

VHS Disease: A Major Threat to Fish

Vinegar the Versatile Cleaner

A Guide to Responsible Lighting

"the beacon" Newsletter

Fall/Winter 2023

Spring/Summer 2023

“A FLASH OF THE BEACON” e-newsletter

Volume LXXV: June 2024

Volume LXXIV: May 2024

Volume LXXIII: April 2024


The Past, Present and Future Water Quality of Lake Sunapee- July 21, 2022; presented by Dr. Cayelan Carey, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech

Microplastics in Our Waters- June 23, 2022; presented by Jillian Emerson, Green Mountain Conservation Group

“Looking into a Crystal Ball: Forecasting the Future of Lake Sunapee- July 17, 2021; presented by Dr. Cayelan Carey at LSPA’s Annual Meeting

Lake Level Management- Lake Sunapee-August 3, 2021; presented by Jim Gallagher and Dan Mattaini

summary Reports

Executive Summary of 2022 LSPA-Virginia Tech Calhoun Fellowship - Whitney Woelmer & Jacob Wynee

2022 Economic Valuation of Lake Sunapee: Report and Presentation - Policy Research Shop, Dartmouth College


UNH Directory of Landscape Professionals-Trained in Ecological Landscaping for Water Quality Protection

NHDES Prequalified Engineering Firms

Lake & Pond Associations in the watershed

Chalk Pond

Little Lake Sunapee

Mountainview Lake

Otter Pond