Photo by Rosie Kerr
The colorful leaves around Lake Sunapee are simply stunning! Do you know what makes them turn color? Or why trees release their leaves in the autumn? There’s wonderful science behind those amazing colors! Check out these links for more information!
Listen to “Trout are Made of Trees” read by LSPA Education Director Kathleen Stowell.
Why Do Leaves Change Color in Autumn? (printable)
Why Leaves Change Color. (printable)
Go on an Autumn Scavenger Hunt!
Listen to a story by Betsy Maestro: Why Do Leaves Change Color? (YouTube video)
Why Do Leaves Change Color? What Makes The Leaves Fall? (YouTube video)
Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall? (YouTube video)
Autumn Is Here! (Scholastic, YouTube video)
Join LSPA Education Director Kathleen Stowell for “fun with fall leaves!”