Summer Sightings and Explorations
Animals need water too!
Summer can be a tough time for animals to find water. Be mindful that all animals need water everyday and they do what it takes to find drinking water and a place to cool down. Many live in or near the water and the summer heat both lowers the water levels and changes habitats.
As the National Wildlife Federation explains, "Having convenient supplies of clean water can make a huge difference to the survival of local wild species such as birds, butterflies and small mammals, during times of extreme heat and drought." Check out their blog on Simple Tips for Helping Wildlife During Heat Waves and Drought.
Look for animals near water!
Frog Facts for Kids NH Wildlife ~ Frogs
Frog Sounds ~ Frogs make all kinds of different sounds! Listen to the wide variety of calls these frogs and toads make... Music in Nature! The written content on this link is more for the adult reader in mind. Here is a printable version of NH frogs and their sounds. Also check out the Northwoods Frog Call Phenology to see and hear when NH’s frogs will be talking
Observing nature ~
Birding Locally ~ NH Resources
Fishing in NH ~ NH Fish and Game
NH Wildlife Sightings ~ Report What You See! Use your observation skills to help New Hampshire Fish and Game track our local frog and salamander populations.
FAQ about Baby Birds and Nests ~ Cornell Ornithology Lab
Curious about Bird Nesting Habits? Check out NestWatch, a nationwide nest-monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the birding world.
What to do if you Find a Baby Bird…
Go Explore ~
Vermont Institute of Natural Science: see birds of prey up close and personal!
Squam Lake Science Center: Observe NH wildlife and learn about their rehabilitation practices!
All About Insects ~ youtube video
Insects ~ National Geographic Kids
Why do we Need Bees? Earth Rangers video
BeBop Labs Tick Prevention and more!