Spring’s New Beginnings, Bugs and Blooms
Frogs, salamanders, and Vernal Pools
Listen to Frog Stories read by LSPA’s Education Director Kathleen Stowell!
Frog Sounds ~ Frogs make all kinds of different sounds! Listen to the wide variety of calls these frogs and toads make... Music in Nature! The written content on this link is more for the adult reader in mind. Here is a printable version of NH frogs and their sounds. Also check out the Northwoods Frog Call Phenology to see and hear when NH’s frogs will be talking!
Vernal Pools ~ Frogs can be found in vernal pools. What’s a vernal pool you ask? Check out NH Fish and Game’s website on the very thing!
Frog Facts ~ Here are a few links and pages to print to find out even more about frogs!
Fantastic Frogs ~ San Diego Zoo
NH Wildlife Sightings ~ Report What You See! Use your observation skills to help New Hampshire Fish and Game track our local frog and salamander populations.
Coloring Pages ~ Frog Life Cycles
Life in Vernal Pools ~ Northern Woodlands
Spring Bird songs and nests
What Are Some Of The First Spring Birds To Arrive, And When Will They Get Here?
Curious about Bird Nesting Habits? Check out NestWatch, a nationwide nest-monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the birding world.
What’s Good Nesting Material To Offer Birds? Here are some Do’s and Don’ts.
What to do if you Find a Baby Bird…
FAQ about Baby Birds and Nests ~ Cornell Ornithology Lab
Black Legged Tick or Deer Tick
Bugs and More bugs!
BeBop Labs Tick Prevention and more!