Utterly Otters - July 11th, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join naturalist Susie Spikol for a lively talk on the largest member of the weasel family in New England: the bounding, sliding, swimming, charismatic otter! We’ll spend some time getting to know this charming mammal, including learning how to recognize its tracks and sign so you can see if there are otters living near you.

Susie Spikol is the Harris Center for Conservation Education Community Programs Director & Teacher-Naturalist. She was the recipient of the Cheshire County Conservation District’s 2023 Educator of the Year for her extraordinary efforts to cultivate a conservation ethic in both her personal and professional life. Susie has been at the Harris Center – sharing her awe and appreciation for nature with toddlers, retirees, and everyone in between - since 1991. When she’s not catching frogs with preschoolers, tracking bobcats with middle schoolers, or hawkwatching with her own three children, Susie tucks away to time to write. You can find selections of her writing here and here.

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